Photography with real-life professional athletes in the studio is the rewarding game of my profession. It captures the essence of athleticism and motion, showcasing the power and grace of the human form with lights and colors. It reveals the beauty of movement and physical prowess. As if that wasn't enough, there is always a unique personality behind their performance. Studio photography always involves lots of conversation. Every photo shoot actively changes from minute to minute as I get to know the athletes' thoughts and desires—their PERSONALITY. I love it!

Kriszt Sarolta / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Kriszt Sarolta / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Sulyán Alexandra / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Sulyán Alexandra / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Sulyán Alexandra / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND
Due to the spread of social media, online brand building for professional athletes is now inevitable. There are many ways portfolio photography can help with this. In addition to general content training, you can prepare in advance for communication related to major events. Content that matters to sponsors can be well thought out and beneficial to you.
And then there are the secondary benefits of "closed-loop" photography. Gaining experience makes the tasks associated with later success easier. Self-knowledge about how to feel good in front of the camera, or even boosting confidence, can be helped by good photos.

Sulyán Alexandra / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Sulyán Alexandra / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Sulyán Alexandra / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Mátó Sára / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Mátó Sára / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Mátó Sára / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Mátó Sára / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Mátó Sára / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Mátó Sára / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Kriszt Sarolta / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Kriszt Sarolta / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Kriszt Sarolta / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Kriszt Sarolta / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Kriszt Sarolta, Kriszt Katica / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Kriszt Sarolta / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Kovács Árpád / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Kovács Árpád / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Kovács Árpád / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Kovács Árpád / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Kovács Árpád / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Kovács Árpád / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Kovács Árpád / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Kovács Árpád / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND
Due to the peculiarities of our orders, we regularly take the studio to the venue rather than bringing the athlete to the studio. This approach allows us to create much higher quality images in an authentic environment.

Gémesi Csanád / László Zsigmond

Mészáros Eszter / László Zsigmond

Lovász Dorina / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Tompa Benedek / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Nádházi Evelin / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Dénes András / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

/ László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND

Kriszt Sarolta / László Zsigmond / PHOTO ZSIGMOND